Affinity Wellness Education provides adult education classes on topics of key relevance to personal and societal health and wellbeing. We focus on the topics of trauma, chronic pain, and interpersonal relating because they occupy a huge role in people’s lives and because there aren’t many options for practical learning about these topics.

We aim to provide individuals with a rich, in-depth understanding of trauma and chronic pain so they are better equipped to help and advocate for others and themselves in the most effective manner possible. To do this, we explore the neuroscience behind trauma and pain and then we take the essential step of moving from lecture to lab, engaging in interactive exercises that allow us to feel or embody the ideas and develop real-world practical skills that can’t be gained with “book knowledge” alone.

Please note that this site is “hibernating” for the month of June.  Check back in July when the new website will be launched and the courses will be listed and available to sign up for.   The “Courses” page won’t be operational during June, so the list of courses (all online) is below.

Individuals with chronic pain too often find themselves on a long and futile journey that involves a lot of over-simplistic solutions, false hope, unnecessary expenses, and unsupportive attitudes from family, friends, and healthcare professionals. But it doesn’t have to be that way—the more people become educated about pain, the better the process and outcomes will be.

In recent years, the significant impacts of developmental trauma on physical health and social wellbeing has become more widely known. Like pain, trauma is complex and often counter-intuitive, and because it plays an enormous role in creating what we often describe as “personality”, it’s helpful for everyone to not only acquire more knowledge about trauma but also learn how to engage with others in a trauma-informed manner.

We want to build everyone’s relational skills for engaging with others in a way that maximizes the quality of the interaction.  This includes interactions where one is listening to another with care as well as more challenging interactions and difficult conversations that involve differing beliefs and opinions. We want to assist individuals in bridging perceived social gaps no matter how narrow or wide in a manner that maintains integrity, respect, and compassion. To accomplish this we teach various principles of navigating conflict and polarization and then we practice those principles together.

We are honored to have our courses listed in Massage & Fitness Magazine’s list of Continuing Education courses in North America that that are up-to-date on the latest understanding of pain, movement, and touch based on quality science and humanities.


The Neuroscience of Pain, Posture, and Bodywork

Instructor: Dr. Mark Olson

Join us for an enlightening 2-day, 8-hour online CE course (approved by NCBTMB/NY, CE402036) that explores the intricate connections between posture, pain, and bodywork. Designed for both practitioners with clients experiencing pain and individuals curious about the topic, this course offers a fresh perspective grounded in the latest neuroscience research.

Move beyond traditional tissue-centric models as we dive into modern understandings of pain and posture. You will discover how current neuroscience contrasts with outdated cultural and healthcare paradigms. Gain a comprehensive understanding of pain neurobiology, including sensitization, descending modulation, and the roles of the endocrine and immune systems. Additionally, we will highlight the significant impact of psychosocial factors on chronic pain and their implications for therapeutic success.

Topics Covered

  • Differentiation between tissue-centric and neuroscientific approaches to posture and pain
  • Limitations and potential harm of tissue-centric perspectives
  • Nociception and its relationship with pain from a neurological standpoint
  • Descending modulation and its relevance in pain management
  • Psychosocial and relational factors affecting pain perception and management

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Differentiate between tissue-centric and neuroscientific approaches to posture and pain.
  • Explain the limitations and potential harm associated with a tissue-centric perspective.
  • Define nociception and understand its relationship with pain from a neurological standpoint.
  • Discuss the concept of descending modulation and its significance in pain management.
  • Identify psychosocial and relational factors influencing pain perception and management, and their relevance in both healthcare settings and everyday life.

Course Highlights

  • Expert Instruction: Learn from Dr. Mark Olson, an experienced professional in the field of neuroscience and bodywork.
  • Comprehensive Content: Cover a wide range of topics integrating neuroscience with practical bodywork applications.
  • Interactive Learning: Engage in discussions and practical exercises to deepen understanding.
  • Latest Research: Explore the most recent insights and how they contrast with traditional approaches.

Who Should Enroll

This course is ideal for:

  • Healthcare practitioners seeking advanced knowledge in pain management.
  • Bodywork professionals looking to integrate neuroscience into their practice.
  • Individuals interested in understanding the science behind pain and posture.
  • Anyone looking to enhance their therapeutic outcomes with evidence-based practices.

Join us to enhance your ability to support those affected by pain with informed, compassionate care. Whether you’re a healthcare professional or simply interested in the topic, this course provides valuable insights and practical applications to enhance your understanding and approach to pain management.

Trauma-informed Care

Instructor: Dr. Mark Olson

Discover the essential skills and knowledge needed to integrate a trauma-informed approach into your work and daily life with this 3-day, 13-hour online course (NCBTMB/NY/FL CE-approved). Designed for both practitioners working with clients experiencing trauma and individuals seeking a deeper understanding of trauma, this course offers a blend of expert insights and practical exercises.

Course Overview

Over the course of three days, you will delve into the neurological and psychological foundations of shock and developmental trauma. Learn to recognize and respond to trauma with relational skills that prevent re-traumatization by fostering implicit safety, intersubjectivity, and client agency. Interactive exercises in breakout rooms will ensure you gain practical, real-world skills, while two 1-hour prerequisite videos by Dr. Mark Olson provide foundational knowledge before the live sessions.

Topics Covered

  • Neuroscience, Trauma, and Implicit Safety
  • Shock Trauma and Autonomic First Aid Skills
  • Developmental Trauma and Therapeutic Relationship Skills
  • Common Factors in Therapeutic Settings
  • Somatic Psychology and Retraumatization
  • Supporting and Accepting Client Defenses
  • Colluding vs. Cheerleading vs. Agency

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the characteristics of a trauma-informed approach.
  • Explain how trauma relates to their work practice.
  • Define implicit safety and its importance.
  • Differentiate between shock and developmental trauma.
  • Identify responses to shock trauma.
  • Apply Autonomic First Aid practices for shock trauma responses.
  • Discuss the relationships between trauma, pain, and neuromuscular patterns.
  • Understand the value of supporting a person’s defenses.
  • Explain the concept of foreclosure and its implications in interactions.
  • Recognize the function of survival styles and their manifestations.
  • Articulate the importance of setting goals when working with people in trauma theory terms.
  • Differentiate between cheerleading, colluding, and promoting agency.
  • Identify ineffective or re-traumatizing strategies for responding to developmental trauma.

Course Highlights

  • Expert Instruction: Learn from Dr. Mark Olson, a leading expert in trauma and psychology.
  • Interactive Exercises: Participate in practical exercises to develop real-world skills.
  • Comprehensive Content: Cover a wide range of topics essential for trauma-informed care.
  • Prerequisite Materials: Gain foundational knowledge through two 1-hour videos before the live sessions.

Who Should Enroll

This course is perfect for:

  • Healthcare professionals working with trauma-affected clients.
  • Therapists and counselors seeking to deepen their trauma-informed practices.
  • Individuals interested in understanding trauma and its effects.
  • Anyone looking to enhance their ability to support those affected by trauma with informed, compassionate care.

Join us to enhance your ability to support those affected by trauma with informed, compassionate care. Whether you’re a healthcare professional or simply interested in the topic, this course provides invaluable tools and insights for fostering healing and resilience.

Relational Skills for Depolarizing Conversations

Instructor: Dr. Mark Olson

Discover how to navigate conflicts arising from differences in socio-political beliefs with expert guidance in this engaging course. Designed for anyone interested in improving their communication skills, this class provides practical tools and techniques to foster understanding and connection.

Course Overview

This course focuses on developing relational skills that help you manage and resolve conflicts rooted in socio-political differences. Through interactive exercises and discussions, you will learn to identify and articulate common human values that can bridge divides and maintain relationships. The course emphasizes respectful, compassionate, and effective communication, enabling you to engage constructively with others who hold differing beliefs.

Topics Covered

  • Interpersonal Fundamentals
  • Nonviolent Communication (NVC) Speaking
  • Storytelling with Oneself
  • Nonviolent Communication (NVC) Listening
  • Common Values
  • Developmental Trauma
  • Narcissism
  • Intersubjectivity
  • Seeding Doubt
  • Aggression, Denial, Forgiveness, and Subjectivity
  • Impossible Conversations and Street Epistemology

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Navigate socio-political conflicts with empathy and respect.
  • Identify and focus on common values to maintain and strengthen relationships.
  • Practice Nonviolent Communication techniques for both speaking and listening.
  • Reflect on and understand the impact of personal narratives on interactions.
  • Address and manage the influence of developmental trauma in conversations.
  • Recognize and respond to narcissistic behaviors constructively.
  • Foster intersubjectivity to enhance mutual understanding.
  • Apply strategies for seeding doubt in a respectful manner.
  • Handle aggression, denial, forgiveness, and subjectivity effectively.
  • Engage in challenging conversations with confidence using Street Epistemology.

Course Highlights

  • Expert Instruction: Learn from Dr. Mark Olson, a skilled facilitator in conflict resolution and communication.
  • Interactive Learning: Participate in practical exercises and discussions.
  • Comprehensive Content: Gain a wide range of tools and techniques for effective communication.
  • Real-World Applications: Apply what you learn to manage and resolve real-life conflicts.

Who Should Enroll

This course is ideal for:

  • Individuals looking to improve their communication skills.
  • Anyone interested in navigating socio-political conflicts more effectively.
  • Professionals seeking to enhance their relational skills in diverse settings.
  • Those who want to foster understanding and connection across divides.

Join us to improve your ability to communicate across divides and build stronger, more understanding relationships. This course is perfect for anyone looking to enhance their conversational skills in the face of differing socio-political beliefs.

Cognitive Shortcuts Lab: Detection and Debiasing Strategies for a Better World

Instructor: Dr. Mark Olson

Explore the profound impact of cognitive biases on decision-making, relationships, and professional interactions in this engaging and practical course. Designed for individuals eager to improve their awareness and management of cognitive biases, this course offers expert insights and hands-on strategies for both personal and professional growth.

Course Overview

This interactive professional development course is structured into two essential components to maximize your learning experience. You will begin with a foundational video that introduces key concepts and sets the stage for deeper exploration. Following this, a live webinar will provide an opportunity for engaging discussions and practical exercises, allowing you to apply debiasing strategies in real-world scenarios.

What You Will Learn

  • Identification of Cognitive Biases: Understand the various types of cognitive biases and how they influence our thoughts and actions.
  • Self-awareness and Bias Detection: Learn to recognize biases within yourself and understand their impact on your decision-making and relationships.
  • Debiasing Strategies: Acquire effective techniques to mitigate the influence of biases in personal and professional contexts.
  • Practical Application: Engage in interactive exercises and discussions to practice and refine your debiasing skills.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify common cognitive biases and understand their effects.
  • Increase self-awareness to detect biases in their own thinking.
  • Apply debiasing strategies to improve decision-making and interactions.
  • Enhance professional and personal relationships by reducing the impact of biases.
  • Foster a more objective and balanced approach to various situations.

Course Highlights

  • Expert Instruction: Learn from Dr. Mark Olson, a seasoned expert in cognitive neuroscience and psychology.
  • Interactive Learning: Engage in dynamic discussions and practical exercises to solidify your understanding of debiasing strategies.
  • Foundational Knowledge: Start with a comprehensive video that introduces key concepts and prepares you for deeper exploration.
  • Real-World Applications: Apply debiasing techniques to everyday situations to improve decision-making and relationships.

Who Should Enroll

This course is ideal for anyone looking to:

  • Improve their cognitive awareness and decision-making skills.
  • Enhance their professional interactions and relationships.
  • Develop practical strategies to combat cognitive biases.
  • Make more informed and objective decisions in daily life.

Join us on this journey to better understand and manage cognitive biases, and equip yourself with the tools to create a more balanced and objective perspective. Whether you are a professional aiming to improve your workplace interactions or an individual seeking personal growth, this course offers invaluable insights and practical skills for a better world.

Exploring Interoception: Insights from Neuroscience and Psychology

Instructor: Dr. Mark Olson

Dive into the intriguing world of interoception—the process of sensing, interpreting, and integrating internal bodily signals—with this expert-led course. Designed for individuals curious about the inner workings of the human body and mind, this course offers a comprehensive exploration of interoception’s vital role in emotional regulation, decision-making, and overall well-being.

Course Overview

This interdisciplinary course combines insights from neuroscience, psychology, and philosophy to uncover the neural mechanisms behind interoception and its profound impact on consciousness, health, and behavior. You will learn about the intricate connections between the brain and body and how these interactions shape our experiences and actions.

Topics Covered

  • The Role of the Insular Cortex: Understand the insular cortex’s critical function in processing interoceptive signals.
  • Autonomic Nervous System Function: Explore how the autonomic nervous system regulates bodily functions and contributes to interoception.
  • Interoception and Emotion: Examine the link between internal bodily signals and emotional experiences.
  • Clinical Applications: Discover how interoception influences mental health and informs therapeutic practices.
  • The Mind-Body Connection: Delve into philosophical perspectives on the integration of bodily signals and consciousness.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the neural mechanisms underlying interoception.
  • Discuss the relationship between interoception and emotional regulation.
  • Evaluate the significance of interoception in decision-making processes.
  • Analyze the role of the insular cortex and autonomic nervous system in interoception.
  • Assess the clinical implications of interoception for health and behavior.
  • Critically engage with cutting-edge research and theoretical frameworks in interoception.

Course Highlights

  • Cutting-edge Research: Engage with the latest findings in neuroscience and psychology.
  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Benefit from a holistic view integrating multiple fields of study.
  • Interactive Discussions: Participate in thought-provoking discussions and critical evaluations.

Who Should Enroll

This course is perfect for anyone interested in:

  • Understanding the science behind bodily awareness and its effects.
  • Exploring the connection between body and mind.
  • Enhancing their knowledge of neuroscience and psychology.
  • Applying interoceptive insights to improve personal well-being and professional practices.

Join us to gain a deeper understanding of interoception and its crucial role in shaping human experience. Whether you are a professional in the health field or simply intrigued by the mind-body connection, this course provides valuable knowledge and practical insights.

Neuroanatomy Essentials: A Beginner’s Guide to Brain Structure

Instructor: Dr. Mark Olson

Unlock the mysteries of the human brain with this accessible and engaging course designed for curious minds. Neuroanatomy Essentials provides a comprehensive introduction to the anatomy and function of the brain, making complex concepts easy to understand for beginners. No prior background in neuroscience is required—just a keen interest in how the brain works.

Course Overview

This course offers a thorough exploration of the brain’s structure and the roles of its various regions. You’ll gain insights into how different parts of the brain contribute to perception, cognition, emotion, memory, and behavior. Through clear explanations and practical examples, you’ll build a solid foundation in neuroanatomy and discover how these concepts relate to everyday life.

Topics Covered

  • Perception: Learn how the brain processes sensory information.
  • Cognition: Understand the brain’s role in thinking and decision-making.
  • Emotion: Explore the neural basis of emotions and their regulation.
  • Memory: Discover how memories are formed, stored, and retrieved.
  • Behavior: Examine the brain’s influence on actions and behaviors.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the major regions of the brain and their functions.
  • Explain how different brain regions contribute to various cognitive processes.
  • Understand the neural mechanisms underlying perception and emotion.
  • Describe the processes involved in memory formation and retrieval.
  • Relate brain structure and function to everyday behaviors and experiences.

Course Highlights

  • Expert Instruction: Learn from Dr. Mark Olson, an experienced neuroscientist and educator.
  • Beginner-Friendly: Designed for individuals with no prior knowledge of neuroscience.
  • Interactive Learning: Engage with interactive content and practical examples to reinforce your understanding.
  • Real-World Applications: Discover how neuroanatomy concepts apply to daily life and personal experiences.

Who Should Enroll

This course is ideal for anyone who:

  • Is curious about how the brain works and its impact on daily life.
  • Wants to gain a foundational understanding of neuroanatomy.
  • Seeks to explore the connections between brain structure and behavior.
  • Desires to enhance their knowledge for personal or professional growth.

Join us on this fascinating journey into the human brain and gain a deeper appreciation for the intricate workings of our most vital organ. Whether you’re a lifelong learner, a student, or a professional looking to expand your knowledge, Neuroanatomy Essentials offers valuable insights and a strong foundation in brain science.